Couchbase Tutorial for Android: Getting Started

In this couchbase tutorial, you will learn how to use prebuilt Couchbase Lite databases, model, query, upload and sync data including attachments. By James Nocentini.

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The Question Screen

Your first task is to load the full question document from the database and use it to populate the Question activity.

Loading the Question Data

Open and paste the following at the end of onCreate:

// 1
Intent intent = getIntent();
String questionId = intent.getStringExtra(HomeActivity.EXTRA_INTENT_ID);

// 2
DataManager manager = DataManager.getSharedInstance(getApplicationContext());
Document document = manager.database.getDocument(questionId);

// 3
mQuestion = ModelHelper.modelForDocument(document, Question.class);

Here’s what this code does:

  1. Retrieves the questionId of the selected question from the intent extra.
  2. Uses the manager singleton database to load the document with the questionId.
  3. Deserializes the document into question and sets the text property on the textView

Build and run your app, and click on a question to display each question detail:


Multiple Choice in a GridView

The data modeling diagram lists the options property as an array of strings. Those are the possible choices shown to the user.

Add the following method to

To display the choices, add the following to the end of onCreate in

mQuestionOptions = (GridView) findViewById(;

mQuestionOptions.setAdapter(new QuestionOptionsAdapter(mQuestion.getOptions(), null));

mQuestionOptions.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
  public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
    mSelectedOption = position;

Here’s what’s happening in this code segment:

In the above code segment, you create a GridView, assign it an adapter populated with mQuestionOptions and then set up a click listener to store the user’s choice in mSelectedOption.

Build and run. Open any question and click on the possible options:


In the next section you’ll add a Submit button to save your answer to a new document.

Writing Data

User answers will be stored in the database as Answer documents. First, you’ll create an Answer model class.

Create a new file model/ and add to it the following instance variables:

private String _id;
private String _rev;
private String question_id;
private String type;
private String user_answer;

These property names match the ones on the data modeling diagram. Next, add a getter and setter for each instance variable using the CTRL+Enter shortcut in Android Studio.


To create Answer instances, add the following constructor in mode/

public Answer(String question_id, String type, String user_answer) {
  this.question_id = question_id;
  this.type = type;
  this.user_answer = user_answer;

To save an answer, you’ll add a button with a click handler. Open activity_question.xml and add the following Button element below the GridView:

    android:text="Submit" />

Within activity_question.xml, create a click handler with the Alt+Enter shortcut:


Add the following to the body of onButtonClicked.

  Answer answer = new Answer(mQuestion.get_id(), "answer", 
      mQuestion.getOptions().get(mSelectedOption));, answer);

This instantiates a new answer object and saves it using

Build and run, select an answer and tap Submit.


Well done! You can now save answers to the database.

Note: There’s no visual cue to indicate the answer was saved, but you should see the doc_count value increase at http://localhost:5984/quizzdroid

One more feature to add before you dive into synchronization is to display the image. The generic term in Couchbase is Attachment.

Using Attachments

Add the following code to the end of onCreate in

Revision revision = document.getCurrentRevision();
Attachment attachment = revision.getAttachment("image");
if (attachment != null) {
  InputStream is = null;
  try {
    is = attachment.getContent();
  } catch (CouchbaseLiteException e) {
  Drawable drawable = Drawable.createFromStream(is, "image");

This uses the current document revision to load the attachment named image as an InputStream. It then converts the stream into a Drawable and assigns it to the mImageQuestion ImageView shown above the question.


Note: Make sure to import for the InputStream class, not the com.couchbase version.

Build and run your app; select a question and the image will appear:


Note: This Couchbase tutorial only covers how to read attachments. Refer to the Couchbase documentation to learn how to save attachments with a write operation.

Adding Synchronization

You will use Sync Gateway in what’s known as walrus mode, which is an in-memory, development-only mode. In production, you would install both Couchbase Server and Sync Gateway.

Installing Sync Gateway

Download Sync Gateway community edition and unzip the file. The executable is located in the bin folder. If you unzipped the file to the Downloads folder, start it with this command:

$ ~/Downloads/couchbase-sync-gateway/bin/sync_gateway -dbname="quizzdroid"

You should see Starting server on localhost:4984 ... in your terminal window.

You can now head to http://localhost:4984 to check that it’s up and running:


Now that the Sync Gateway is running, you’ll add some code to replicate the database to the server.


Set up the push and pull replications by adding the following code to the end of the constructor in

// 1
URL syncGatewayURL = null;
try {
  String SYNC_GATEWAY_URL = "http://localhost:4984/quizzdroid";
  syncGatewayURL = new URL(SYNC_GATEWAY_URL);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {

// 2
mPush = database.createPushReplication(syncGatewayURL);

// 3
mPull = database.createPullReplication(syncGatewayURL);

This code segment does the following:

  1. Instantiates a URL pointing to http://localhost:4984/quizzdroid, which is your local Sync Gateway instance.
  2. Starts a push replication in continuous mode, which is the operation that will send data from the local database to the server.
  3. Starts a pull replication in continuous mode, which is the operation that will retrieve data from the server and save it to the local database.

Before you can build and run, you’ll need to use an ADB command to ensure that QuizzDroid, running on a plugged-in device or emulator, can reach the server over localhost.

With the emulator running, run the following from the command line:

$ adb reverse tcp:4984 tcp:4984
Note: This command only works on devices running Android 5.0+ (API 21). Instead of setting up the reverse proxy, you can replace localhost in the previous code block with for Android stock emulators, for Genymotion emulators or, if you’re deploying to a device, the local IP address of your development machine.

Build and run your app; you should see a new document appear on the Sync Gateway admin UI (http://localhost:4985/_admin/db/quizzdroid, note the different port number) every time you answer a question.

Sync Gateway UI

Note: Using Android Studio’s Instant Run sometimes doesn’t set up the sync correctly; if you don’t see the documents in the Sync Gateway admin, try quitting the app and then build and run again.

So far so good, but what about displaying answers from other users? You’ll do exactly that in the next section.


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