Building Dart APIs with Google Cloud Run

Learn how to build backend applications using Dart and Google Cloud Run. By Alhassan Kamil.

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Setting up Billing

Navigate to after replacing mnote-c7379 with project_id from the service account JSON file. Then, click LINK A BILLING ACCOUNT,

Click to link billing account

Then select your billing account and click SET ACCOUNT (in case you haven’t created your billing already. You can do so by following Create a new Cloud Billing account):

Select your billing account

Finally, you’ll be redirected to the billing account overview page:

Google Cloud project billing page

The setup is done; now it’s time to grasp REST APIs before we dive into coding.

An Overview of REST APIs

REST APIs follow the constraints originally defined by Roy Fielding in his dissertation Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures . The diagram below illustrates a REST API in it’s simple form:

REST client-server architecture

In the REST API architecture, a client (browser, phone, etc.) sends an HTTP request to an API server requesting data in the server using HTTP methods. The server responds with either the requested data or failure as an HTTP response.

This request-response cycle happens through standard endpoints known as uniform resource locators (URLs) that provide access points for various resources on the server and how to retrieve them.

The following section defines these endpoints that you’ll use in this tutorial.

Developing the API Endpoints

All of your API endpoints reside in the lib/routes folder.

Designing Endpoints

You’ll implement eight endpoints, which include:

  • GET /v1: For getting the app information.
  • POST /v1/users/login: For logging in users.
  • POST /v1/users/register: For registering users.
  • GET /v1/notes: Retrieves all notes.
  • GET /v1/notes/: Retrieves the note with ID equal to .
  • POST /v1/notes: Saves a note into the system.
  • DELETE /v1/notes/: Deletes the note with ID .
  • * /v1: Processes any request that doesn’t match any of the above endpoints.

Next, you’ll write code to implement the API endpoints above in the proceeding sections.

Implementing the UserRoutes Endpoints

The first endpoints you want to implement are the user authentication endpoints. These routes to the user controller authenticate and verify that a user exists in the system before giving them access to manage notes.

Open lib/routes/user_routes.dart and import the following:

import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart';
import '../controllers/user_controller.dart';

Then, find router() and replace it’s contents with the following code:

// 1
final router = Router();
// 2
    '/register', (Request request) => UserController(api).register(request));
// 3'/login', (Request request) => UserController(api).login(request));
// 4
return router;

Here is an explanation for each line above:

  1. Creates a new shelf_router Router object.
  2. Routes HTTP POST requests on the /register endpoint to register() in lib/controllers/user_controller.dart, passing the required FirestoreApi api and the request object to the constructor and register() respectively.
  3. Similar to point #2, but using the /login endpoint and login() instead.
  4. Returns the router object from getter.
Note: Creating and returning the router object is self-explanatory and is not explained in subsequent code.

Adding the NoteRoutes Endpoints

Now, you need to create the note management routes. Open lib/routes/note_routes.dart and import the necessary files:

import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart';
import '../controllers/note_controller.dart';

Between the router variable definition and return statement enter the code below:

// 1
router.get('/', (Request request) => NoteController(api).index());
// 2'/', (Request request) => NoteController(api).store(request));
// 3
    '/<id>', (Request request, String id) => NoteController(api).show(id));
// 4
    '/<id>;', (Request request, String id) => NoteController(api).destroy(id));

The only new things here are lines #3 and #4. To sum up:

  1. Defines the route for querying all notes.
  2. Defines the route for storing a given note into the database.
  3. Is the route for retrieving the note with ID .
  4. Specifies an HTTP DELETE route for deleting a note with ID .

Creating the AppRoutes Endpoints

You’re left with the last set of routes; app-level routes. To add them, open lib/routes/app_routes.dart and import the following:

import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart';
import 'note_routes.dart';
import 'user_routes.dart';

Then replace router() body with the code below:

final router = Router();
// 1
router.get('/', (Request request) {
  final aboutApp = {
        'name': 'MNote',
        'version': 'v1.0.0',
        'description': 'A minimal note management API to take and save notes'
  return Response.ok(jsonEncode(aboutApp));
// 2
router.mount('/users', UserRoutes(api: api).router);
router.mount('/notes', NoteRoutes(api: api).router);
// 3
    (Request r) =>
         Response.notFound(jsonEncode({'message': 'Route not defined'})));
return router;

All you did was:

  1. Define the home route. You already came across this.
  2. Mount the users and notes routes you created earlier. Using mount allows you to prefix all routes within a particular router. Meaning, all the routes you defined in the router() getters in lib/routes/user_routes.dart and lib/routes/note_routes.dart will have the prefix /users and /notes respectively.
  3. Any other route that doesn’t match the previous routes will return the given JSON message.

The endpoints have been implemented. But, you’ll get an error if you restart the server. As you still need to modify bin/mnote.dart, so import the following at the top:

import 'package:googleapis/firestore/v1.dart';
import 'package:mnote/routes/app_routes.dart';
import 'package:mnote/helpers/helper.dart';

Then change main() to contain:

// 1
final credentials = getCredentials();
final client =
    await clientViaServiceAccount(credentials, [FirestoreApi.datastoreScope]);
try {
  // 2
  final firestoreApi = FirestoreApi(client);
  final app = Router();
  // 3
  app.mount('/v1', AppRoutes(firestoreApi).router);

  final handler = const Pipeline().addMiddleware(logRequests()).addHandler(app);

  final mServer = await server.serve(handler, InternetAddress.anyIPv4, 8080);
  print('Server started at http://${}:${mServer.port}');
} on Exception {
  // 4

This is what the above code does:

  1. Calls getCredentials() to get the service account credentials. Then creates a new HTTP client using clientViaServiceAccount() from the googleapis package.
  2. Passes the client when creating the firestoreApi object, allowing you to execute Cloud Firestore operations using your project’s service account details.
  3. Mounts the router() you created in AppRoutes on a /v1 prefix, allowing you to version your routes.
  4. Returns a 503 Internal Server Error if an exception was thrown with the help of Helper.error().

Testing the Routes

Restart the server by pressing Control + C and running dart run. Now enter curl http://localhost:8080/v1 to confirm that your server now uses the new routes:

New routes are working

You can play around with all the routes. For example, the user login endpoint:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/v1/users/login

And the note deletion endpoint:

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/v1/notes/asddhVIhwpoee

So far, everything works well, except that the APIs process no data. You’ll use controllers to solve this and allow users to log in and manage notes.