Firebase Tutorial: iOS A/B Testing

iOS A/B Testing is an effective way to test user experiences in iOS apps. Learn how Firebase makes it easy to run experiments and review results. By Ron Kliffer.

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Rolling Out an Experiment

Depending on the results of your experiment, you might want to take one of your variants and push that out to all users of your app. If your experiment has a clear winner, you should see a button that says Roll out variant.

Clicking this button stops the experiment and presents you with a dialog that allows you to publish all the variables from the winning variant into Remote Config as the new default values for everybody. And just like that, your new newsletter options are available to the world!

Where to Go From Here?

Download the completed version of the project by clicking the Download Materials button at the top or bottom of this tutorial. However, please note that you still need to create a project in the Firebase Console and drag in your GoogleServices-info.plist file for the project to work.

There’s plenty more you can do with Firebase Analytics and Remote Config, and you can always read the documentation for more information. Both of these offer many options to manipulate and experiment with your app, and you should check out what they have to offer. Specifically, it’s worthwhile to learn about User Properties and how you can leverage these for more elaborate experiments that could bring even better insights.

In the meantime, think about elements of your app you’ve always wanted to experiment with. Try running one of them through iOS A/B testing and let us know what you come up with. If you have any questions or comments about this Firebase A/B Testing tutorial, please join the forum discussion below!