Dynamic Mesh Painting in Unreal Engine 4

In this Unreal Engine 4 tutorial, you will learn how to paint colors onto any type of mesh. By Tommy Tran.

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Mesh painting is the ability for players to paint on objects in-game. Examples of mesh painting are the goop in Super Mario Sunshine, the gels in Portal 2 and the ink in Splatoon. It can be used as a gameplay element or it can be purely for visuals. Either way, mesh painting opens up a lot of possibilities for gameplay designers and artists.

Although the previous examples are all pretty much the same effect, you can use mesh painting for many other effects too. For example, you can use it to spray paint objects, render wounds on characters or even let players draw their own character’s face!

In this tutorial, you will learn how to paint onto a skeletal mesh. To do this you will:

  • Unwrap a mesh into its UV form
  • Use the hit location from a line trace to sphere mask the mesh
  • Render the unwrapped mesh and sphere mask to a render target using a scene capture
  • Use the mask to blend between textures in the character material

Note that this is not a tutorial on vertex painting. Vertex painting is dependent on mesh resolution and can not be changed in-game. On the other hand, the method in this tutorial works independently from mesh resolution and also works in-game.

Note: This tutorial assumes you already know the basics of using Unreal Engine. If you are new to Unreal Engine, check out our 10-part Unreal Engine for Beginners tutorial series.
Note: This tutorial is part of a 4-part tutorial series on using render targets in Unreal Engine:

Getting Started

Start by downloading the materials for this tutorial (you can find a link at the top or bottom of this tutorial). Unzip it and navigate to MeshPainterStarter and open MeshPainter.uproject. If you press Play, you will see the character that you will be painting on.

unreal engine mesh paint

Just like the snow and grass trails tutorials, this method also requires a scene capture. To save time, I have already created a scene capture Blueprint for you. If you’d like to learn more about the capture settings, check out our tutorial on creating snow trails.

First, let’s look at how you can paint on a mesh.

Mesh Painting

In most cases, the mesh you’re working with is already UV mapped. So the obvious thing to do would be to create a mask using a render target and then apply it to the mesh. However, generating a mask directly on the render target (using Draw Material to Render Target) will usually result in discontinuities across UV shells.

Here’s an example of a cube’s UV map and a sphere mask texture:

unreal engine mesh paint

And here is the mask applied to the cube:

unreal engine mesh paint

As you can see, a 2D sphere mask does not wrap around corners since it doesn’t take the geometry into account. To generate a correct mask, the sphere mask needs to sample the world positions of the mesh instead. But how do you access world positions when using the Draw Material to Render Target node?

If you’ve been looking at methods on mesh painting, you may have come across Ryan Bruck’s video on character damage using render targets (the method in this tutorial is based on his method). In the video, he successfully generates 3D sphere masks and accumulates them into a render target. He is able to do this because he creates a render target to store the mesh’s world positions which he can then sample using a sphere mask. Let’s take a closer look.

Ryan’s Method

There are four steps to this method. The first step is to "unwrap" the mesh in question. This is simply moving all of the vertices so that you get the mesh in its UV form. For example, here are the character’s UVs:

unreal engine mesh paint

Here is the character after unwrapping in Unreal:

unreal engine mesh paint

You can unwrap a mesh by applying some simple World Position Offset math (which you’ll see later on).

After unwrapping, the second step is to encode the world positions of the mesh into a render target. You can do this by setting the unwrap material’s color to Absolute World Position and then using a scene capture to capture the unwrap. Here is what the render target would look like:

unreal engine mesh paint

Note: The render target changes color because the character is animated. This causes the world positions to constantly change.

The third step is to create the sphere masks. Now that you can access the mesh’s world positions, you can sample them in a sphere mask. You can then draw the sphere mask directly to a second render target.

The final step is to use the mask in the character’s material to blend between colors, textures or materials. Here are steps three and four visualized:

unreal engine mesh paint

Now, let’s look at the proposed method.

Proposed Method

While Ryan’s method works, it requires:

  • Two render target draws. The first is capturing the unwrapped mesh. The second is accumulating the sphere masks.
  • One render target to store the world positions
  • A render target to accumulate the sphere masks. You will need a separate render target for each actor you want to paint on.

The method in this tutorial discards the second draw and world position render target. It does this by combining the unwrap and sphere masks into one material (the unwrap material). It then captures the unwrap using an additive composite mode to accumulate the sphere masks.

One thing to note is that both methods work best when the mesh does not have overlapping UVs. Overlapping UVs will cause pixels sharing the same UV space to also share the same mask information. For example, you have both hands UV mapped to the same space. If one hand becomes masked, the other hand will become masked too.

Now that you know the method, let’s start with creating the unwrap material.

Tommy Tran


Tommy Tran


Vladyslav Mytskaniuk


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