How to Create a Neumorphic Design With SwiftUI

In this neumorphic design tutorial, you’ll learn how to use SwiftUI’s powerful modifiers to craft beautiful custom elements. By Yono Mittlefehldt.

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Designing the Unselected Tab Bar Button

You will start with the unselected button and design it similarly to AccessoryView. There’s one difference, though. Instead of making the symbol look raised above the surface, you will make it look cut from the surface. It’s inverse mask time!

Replace buttonUp with:

var buttonUp: some View {
  // 1
  var buttonMask: some View {
    // 2
    ZStack {
      // 3
        .frame(width: size * 2, height: size * 2)
      // 4
      Image(systemName: self.icon)
        .frame(width: size, height: size)
  // 5
  return buttonMask

In this code, you have:

  1. Defined a property within a property to store the mask you’ll use for the button. This will keep the code a little more readable.
  2. Used a ZStack as the top-level view for the mask.
  3. Defined a white Rectangle to act as the background of the mask.
  4. Created an Image that is half the width and height of the background rectangle. This image will be what’s cut out when you turn this button into an inverse mask.
  5. Returned the mask, so you can see what it looks like. You’ll replace this line after checking to make sure it looks right.

You should see a very simple icon in the middle of the canvas preview.

Button mask preview

Note: Apple may call this icon pencil.tip, but just tell your clients its Volcano Lair.

Next, replace return buttonMask with the following:

// 1
var button: some View {
  // 2
  ZStack {
    // 3
      .frame(width: size * 2, height: size * 2)

// 4
return button

Here, you have:

  1. Defined another property for the actual button.
  2. Used a ZStack to contain all the elements. There will be more to come.
  3. Created a Rectangle that uses buttonMask as an inverse mask!
  4. Returned the button.

If you look at the canvas preview, you finally see the fruits of your inverse mask labor!

Button inverse mask

Adding Unselected Tab Bar Button Effects

A button with a hole isn’t spectacular on its own, so you’ll add some more effects to it!

Just above the button‘s Rectangle, but still within ZStack, add the following LinearGradient:

  .frame(width: size, height: size)

This LinearGradient is just big enough to cover the symbol cutout in the button and be visible through the cutout.

LinearGradient visible through cutout

Next, add the following modifiers to the button‘s Rectangle just after foregroundColor:

.shadow(color: .lairShadowGray, radius: 3, x: 3, y: 3)
.shadow(color: .white, radius: 3, x: -3, y: -3)
.clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: size * 8 / 16))

Here, you added highlights and shadows but in the opposite direction from before. That’s because you want them to affect the cutout in the middle of the button. The clipShape not only rounds the corners of the button; it also contains the highlights and shadows within those bounds. If they leaked out, it wouldn’t look right.

Clip shape and inner shadows

Finally, add these effects to the entire ZStack:

  color: Color.white.opacity(0.9),
  radius: 10, 
  x: -5, 
  y: -5)
  color: Color.lairShadowGray.opacity(0.5),
  radius: 10, 
  x: 5, 
  y: 5)

First, ensure all views within the ZStack are in a compositing group. Then add the typical highlight and shadow to give the button a raised look. Your unselected button now looks like this:

Unselected button with white background

And when you get the correct background color behind it, it will look like this:

Unselected button with correct background

Designing the Select Tab Bar Button

An unselected state for a button is not enough. You’ll need to add the selected state, too.

Before you get started, scroll down to the bottom of TabBarItemView.swift to TabBarItemView_Previews. In the parameter list for the preview TabBarItemView, change the selectedItem to be .constant(SmartView.lair):

struct TabBarItemView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
  static var previews: some View {
      selectedItem: .constant(SmartView.lair),
      smartView: .lair, 
      icon: "pencil.tip")

This presents the button as selected in the preview canvas, so you can see the changes as you make them.

OK. Now, replace the current implementation of buttonDown with the following:

var buttonDown: some View {
  ZStack {
      .frame(width: size * 2.25, height: size * 2.25)
      .cornerRadius(size * 8 / 16)

Here, you defined the shape, color and size of the button when it is selected.

Selected button background

Unfortunately, it’s a bit larger than the unselected button. Here’s the cross-section effect you’re shooting for from a different angle:

Button cross section

As such, you need to make it slightly larger to account for the outer rim of the selected button. Previously, this would have been “hidden” in the highlights and shadows, but now it needs to be visible.

Add the following Rectangle below the one you just created:

  .frame(width: size * 2.25, height: size * 2.25)
  .cornerRadius(size * 8 / 16)
    .cornerRadius(size * 6 / 16)
    .padding(size / 8)

The preview looks exactly the same, but don’t adjust your screen. Instead, change foregroundColor of this Rectangle to .blue. See what happens.

Selected button blue border

You created a border around the button that’s invisible, but you didn’t use the same overlay trick from earlier. That’s because an inverse mask will allow you to create a shadow on the inside of the button, while the overlay will not.

Change the .blue back to .lairBackgroundGray.

Now, add these modifiers to the Rectangle after inverseMask‘s closing parenthesis:

  color: Color.lairShadowGray.opacity(0.7),
  radius: size * 0.1875,
  x: size * 0.1875, 
  y: size * 0.1875)
  color: Color(white: 1.0).opacity(0.9),
  radius: size * 0.1875,
  x: -size * 0.1875, 
  y: -size * 0.1875)
.clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: size * 8 / 16))

These add the typical inner shadow and highlight to the inverse mask and clip the outer shape of the button so that the shadows don’t bleed through to the other side.

Selected button without a logo

It’s starting to look like a button that’s been pressed!

Incorporating the Button Symbol

You’ll now add the button symbol. You’ll make it slightly heavier — that is, darker — to show the button has been selected. You’ll also skip the inverse mask this time.

Add the following below the last Rectangle and all of its modifiers:

  .frame(width: size, height: size)
  .mask(Image(systemName: self.icon)
    color: Color.lairShadowGray.opacity(0.5),
    radius: size * 0.1875,
    x: size * 0.1875, 
    y: size * 0.1875)
    color: Color(white: 1.0).opacity(0.9),
    radius: size * 0.1875,
    x: -size * 0.1875, 
    y: -size * 0.1875)

With this view, you use the button icon to mask the LinearGradient at the appropriate size and then add highlights and shadows.

Selected button with logo

There’s one last effect to add: A nice gradient border around the button. After the closing brace of the ZStack, add the following overlay:

  RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: size * 8 / 16)
    .stroke(LinearGradient.lairDiagonalLightBorder, lineWidth: 2)

This overlay defines a border that’s a rounded rectangle with a width of two points and uses a diagonal linear gradient.

Final selected button with white background

Again, here’s how it will look with the proper background color:

Final selected button with correct background