Announcing Our iOS Fall Sale!

New books, updated books — and bundles to help you save big! It’s our biggest Fall Sale event ever. Come see what’s inside! By Tiffani Randolph.

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2) SwiftUI by Tutorials

SwiftUI by Tutorials

SwiftUI by Tutorials is designed to help you learn how to transition from the “old way” of building your app UI with UIKit, to the “new way” of building responsive UI with modern declarative syntax with SwiftUI.

This book is for readers who are comfortable building Swift apps and want to make the exciting leap into building their app UI with modern, declarative code.

What’s inside SwiftUI by Tutorials:

  • Introduction: In this chapter, you’ll get an overview of the book as a whole, as well as the apps you will be building as you learn the fundamentals of SwiftUI!
  • Integrating SwiftUI: The previous chapter showed one type of integration: how to create a data dependency on a “traditional” reference type. This chapter shows how easy it is to include a SwiftUI view in a UIKit app, and vice versa.
  • Intro to Controls: Text & Image: In this chapter, you’ll learn about two of the most used controls, Text and Image, and how to customize them using modifiers.
  • State & Data Flow: In this chapter, you’ll learn binding data to the UI, reactive updates to the UI through state management, and an in-depth usage of the attributes introduced in the SwiftUI introduction.
  • Controls & User Input: In this chapter you’ll learn about other controls, like TextField, Button, Toggle, Slider, Stepper and pickers.
  • Introducing Stacks: In this chapter you’ll learn how to use container controls, such as stacks, GroupBox, Form and Group.
  • Lists & Navigation: In this chapter you’ll learn how to display lists of items, and how to navigate between views.
  • Testing & Debugging: In this chapter, you will learn about creating user interface tests and debugging your app.
  • Handling User Input: This chapter will cover user updates of the interface, including how to easily test a SwiftUI interface, how to manage the flow of screens throughout a complex app, and how to deal with gestures, including the development of a custom gesture.
  • Drawing & Creating Custom Graphics: In this chapter, you will learn how to create drawings and graphics in your app.
  • Animations & Transitions: In this chapter, you will learn how to use animations and view transitions in your app.
  • Complex Interfaces: In this chapter, you will learn how to use existing custom controls from SwiftUI and how to build complex interfaces in Swift.
  • Apple Ecosystem/Frameworks: This chapter shows how a SwiftUI iOS app can be easily adapted to other Apple platforms — macOS, watchOS, tvOS — focusing on how to make best use of the device, its unique features and how it handles input.

SwiftUI by Tutorials is 100% complete and available on sale today for the special launch price of $49.99!

3) Catalyst by Tutorials

Catalyst by Tutorials

Catalyst by Tutorials shows you how to take all of those great apps you’ve build on iOS and run them right on macOS. But like everything else with Apple, it’s not always as straightforward as you’d like!

This book shows you how to design your apps to work well on macOS, what you can and can’t port between the two platforms, and any other “gotchas” to keep an eye out for when building apps under Catalyst.

What’s inside Catalyst by Tutorials:

  • Setting the Scene(s): In this chapter, you’ll learn how to enable a feature that has been available since the beginning on the Mac, and has just arrived with iOS 13 on the iPad, multi-window support.
  • Adding Some Context: In this chapter, you’re going to learn all about context menus, adding support for long-press menus on iPad and how those menus will automatically port to Mac.
  • The Keyboard: In this chapter, learn how to use keyboard commands to navigate across a list and delete items, as well as the UIKeyCommand and setting first responder.
  • Preferences & Settings Bundle: Learn layout preferences, and override individual items from dark mode, similar to and the reader pane.
  • Making Your App Feel at Home on MacOS: In this chapter, you’ll go deeper on several other Mac-specific features. When you’re done, you’ll have the makings of a world-class Mac app.
  • The Mouse: Use UIHoverGestureRecognizer to show a shadow effect when hovering over a diary entry in the sample app.
  • Barista Training: Menu Bar: In this chapter, you’ll learn all about the menu bar by trimming the default menu bar, as well as adding new items to delete, share and add new diary entries.
  • Barista Training: Toolbar: In this chapter, you’ll learn to customize the toolbar items, including Share, Insert and Print.
  • Barista Training: Touch Bar: In this chapter, you’ll continue to develop your app by adding the toolbar items to the Touch Bar.
  • App Store: In this chapter, you’ll read about the pros and cons of distributing on the Mac App Store, and learn how to go from Xcode all the way to a released app on the App Store.
  • Third-Party Distribution: In this chapter, you’ll learn how to make sure everyone with macOS can run your app, as well as how to improve the installation experience for your potential users.
  • …and much, much more!

Catalyst by Tutorials is 100% complete and available on sale today for the special launch price of $49.99!

4) Combine: Asynchronous Programming with Swift

Combine: Asynchronous Programming with Swift

Combine: Asynchronous Programming with Swift is the best book to master declarative asynchronous programming with Swift using the Combine framework!

The introduction of Combine into the Swift ecosystem now gives you a native way to manage asynchronous events in Swift, meaning you don’t have to rely on third-party reactive frameworks for event-driven systems.

What’s inside Combine: Asynchronous Programming with Swift:

  • Time-Based Operators: A large part of asynchronous programming relating to processing values over time, this chapter goes into the details of performing complex time-based tasks that would be hard to do without Combine.
  • Sequence Operators: When you think about it, Publishers are merely sequences. As such, there are many useful operators that let you target specific elements, or gather information about the sequence as a whole, which you’ll learn about in this chapter.
  • In Practice: Building a Collage App: It’s time to try your new Combine skills in a real project and learn how to make Foundation and UIKit play along with your reactive code.
  • Combine for Networking: This chapter teaches you how to seamlessly integrate network requests in Combine publisher chains and make your networking easier and more resilient.
  • Debugging Combine: Debugging asynchronous code being notoriously harder linear code, Combine helps with a few tools that will greatly help you improve your understanding of the processes at play.
  • Combine Timers: A niche part of your code, timers are always useful to have around and easy to create in Combine, as you’ll learn in this chapter.
  • Key-Value Observing (KVO): This chapter shows you how Key-Value Observing, which was historically the best way to get notified when a value changed, now integrates nicely with Combine publishers.
  • Resources in Combine: Precisely controlling resource usage is a touchy subject, but this chapter will shed light on sharing operators which let you do just that.
  • In Practice: Networking: In this chapter you will work on a networking API that talks in real-time to the Hacker News servers and along the way exercise using multiple operators and publishers in Foundation.
  • …and much, much more!

Combine: Asynchronous Programming with Swift is available now in early access and on sale today for the special launch price of $49.99!

These three books are part of our Advanced iOS Summer Bundle! At just $99, this bundle saves you over 40% on all three of our new books. Get it here.

Tiffani Randolph


Tiffani Randolph


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