SwiftUI Search: Getting Started

Learn how to use the searchable modifier to quickly add search capability to your SwiftUI apps. By Mina H. Gerges.

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Setting Placement in Different Platforms

searchable(text:placement:prompt:) offers placement to choose the location of the search bar in the view hierarchy. SwiftUI offers four options for this parameter:

  • .automatic: SwiftUI places the search field automatically according to the view hierarchy. This is the default option.
  • .navigationBarDrawer: SwiftUI places the search field under the navigation title. This option has displayMode, which displays the search field permanently onscreen or automatically, like the previous option.
  • .sidebar: SwiftUI places the search field in the sidebar of a navigation view.
  • .toolbar: SwiftUI places the search field in the toolbar.

The last two options provide the same output as navigationBarDrawer. Hopefully, in future versions of SwiftUI, these options might show a significant change.

Note: placement is the preferred placement you choose. Sometimes the view hierarchy can’t fulfill the chosen placement.

In iOS, all those options position the search field under the navigation title. The only difference is whether the search field display is permanently onscreen or automatic.

In iPadOS and macOS, you can especially spot the difference between placement options in multi-column views. Here are a couple of example code blocks with pictures showing how the search bar renders:

NavigationView {
.searchable(text: $searchQuery)

In this first example, searchable(text:placement:prompt:) is attached to a NavigationView with two columns. Here, SwiftUI places the search field in the first column.

Search bar located under the title of the first column in two-column view.

Here’s another example:

NavigationView {
    .searchable(text: $searchQuery)

In this code, SecondView has searchable(text:placement:prompt:). Since this navigation has only two columns, SwiftUI places the search field on the top trailing of SecondView by default.

Search bar located in the top trailing of the second column in two-column view.

Now, consider this example:

NavigationView {
    .searchable(text: $searchQuery,
        .navigationBarDrawer(displayMode: .always))

In the code above, SecondView has searchable(text:placement:prompt:), but placement‘s value is .navigationBarDrawer. Now, SwiftUI places the search field under the navigation title of this column.

Search bar located under the title of the second column in two-column view.

Finally, check out this placement option with a three-column view:

NavigationView {
.searchable(text: $searchQuery)

In the code above, NavigationView has searchable(text:placement:prompt:). Here, SwiftUI places the search field under the title of the second column.

Search bar located under the title of the second column in three-column view.

You can see that where you place searchable(text:placement:prompt:) determines where SwiftUI draws the search box.

Now, you’ll check the placement of the search field in iPad in more depth within the Chef Secrets app. You’ll also use the second approach to filter the list using the search query.

Searching on an iPad

Choose iPad Pro 9.7″ as your simulator, then build and run. Tap the back button and check the two-column view. SwiftUI places the search field on the first column under the navigation title.

Chef Secrets app in iPad shows a side column that has the list and search bar

Now, you’ll implement the second approach to filter the recipe list without using .onChange(of:perform:) and .onSubmit(of:_:). You’ll start with some refactoring.

First, add the lines below to the beginning of ContentView.swift:

@State var searchQuery = ""
@State var isSearchingIngredient = false

This allows ContentView to manage the search query state.

Next, still in ContentView.swift, replace RecipesView() with the code below:

  searchQuery: $searchQuery,
  isSearchingIngredient: $isSearchingIngredient)

This passes @State properties from ContentView down to RecipesView.

Now, open RecipesView.swift. Replace the searchQuery and isSearchingIngredient declarations to be @Binding:

@Binding var searchQuery: String
@Binding var isSearchingIngredient: Bool

This allows RecipesView to accept @State properties from ContentView.

Then, still in RecipesView.swift, cut the entire implementation of searchable(text:placement:prompt:), and paste it into ContentView.swift just below accentColor(_:).

Finally, open RecipesView.swift. Inside RecipesView_Previews, replace previews‘s content with the following code:

  searchQuery: .constant(""),
  isSearchingIngredient: .constant(false))
    .previewDevice("iPhone SE (2nd generation)")

  searchQuery: .constant(""),
  isSearchingIngredient: .constant(false))
    .previewDevice("iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation)")

This tells the SwiftUI preview to render two versions of the view: one as an iPhone SE and the other as an iPad Pro.

Click the run icon in the canvas inside ContentView.swift to start the live preview. Check that this refactoring doesn’t break anything in the app.

Live preview of the iPad screen in Xcode showing the Chef Secrets app two-column view

The real change starts now.

First, open RecipesView.swift, then remove .onChange(of:perform:) and .onSubmit(of:_:). Next, completely remove filterRecipes().

Finally, replace:

@State var filteredRecipes = ChefRecipesModel().recipes

With the following:

var filteredRecipes: [Recipe] {
  if searchQuery.isEmpty {
    return chefRecipesModel.recipes
  } else {
    if isSearchingIngredient {
      let filteredRecipes = chefRecipesModel.recipes.filter {
        !$0.ingredients.filter { ingredient in
          ingredient.emoji == searchQuery
      return filteredRecipes
    } else {
      return chefRecipesModel.recipes.filter {

Here, you’ve changed filteredRecipes to be a computed property and used the values of the bound variables searchQuery and isSearchingIngredient to update the value of the computed property as the value of the bound variables change.

As a result, while typing or when the user selects a suggestion, SwiftUI filters the recipe list.

Build and run. Try searching and switch between searching by meal name and by ingredient. Notice how SwiftUI filters the list while you type in the search field.

Searching recipes in the side menu of iPad by meal name and by ingredient.

Wonderful! You added an amazing search experience to the Chef Secrets app. But Swifty loves dessert too. So now, it’s the time for the icing on the cake. :]

Understanding Searchable Environment Properties

SwiftUI introduces two environment variables with searchable(text:placement:prompt:):

  • .isSearching: To check if the user is using the search field.
  • .dismissSearch: To dismiss the current search process.

You’ll use .isSearching to display how many recipes match the user’s search query.

In RecipesView.swift, add the following declaration:

@Environment(\.isSearching) var isSearching

This sets the local isSearching variable to the value of isSearching‘s environment variable.

Next, add these lines in body under Toggle:

if isSearching {
    Search Results: \(filteredRecipes.count) \
    of \(chefRecipesModel.recipes.count)

This code shows Text with the number of filtered recipes that match the search query, but only when the user is interacting with the search field.

Build and run. Try searching, and check that Text shows the number of filtered recipes:

Number of filtered recipes out of the total number of recipes

Note: If a parent view has searchable(text:placement:prompt:), isSearching works only inside any of its sub-views but can’t work inside this parent view itself. Since ContentView.swift has searchable(text:placement:prompt:), then its child, RecipesView.swift, uses isSearching, but ContentView.swift itself can’t use it.

Swifty’s now ready to cook his meal. After helping him like you did today, you might be his guest at dinner! :]

Swifty cool wearing his sunglasses