Introducing the iOS 11 Launch Party!

Check out all the great new iOS 11 and Swift 4 books and courses we have in store for you this season! By Chris Belanger.

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8) Core Data by Tutorials, Fourth Edition

Marching right along, we’re pleased to bring you the fourth edition of Core Data by Tutorials!

What is Core Data? You’ll hear a variety of answers to this question: It’s a database! It’s SQLite! It’s not a database! And so forth. But here’s the technical answer: Core Data is an object graph management and persistence framework in the OS X and iOS SDKs.

That means Core Data can store and retrieve data, but it isn’t a relational database like MySQL or SQLite. Although it can use SQLite as the data store behind the scenes, you don’t think about Core Data in terms of tables and rows and primary keys.

Core Data by Tutorials teaches you everything you need to know about Core Data, starting with the basics like setting up your own Core Data Stack and moving all the way to advanced topics like migration, performance, multithreading, and more.

Core Data by Tutorials, Fourth Edition has been fully updated for iOS 11, Xcode 9 and Swift 4 and will be released on October 16, 2017, as a free update to existing PDF customers.

If you don’t have the book yet, pre-order it here! During the iOS 11 Launch Party sale, you can get it at a discount for just $49.99.

9) watchOS by Tutorials, Third Edition

watchOS continues to evolve rapidly, and the latest version — watchOS 4 — is no exception. We’ve updated the entire book to show you how to take advantage of all the great stuff in watchOS 4.

We’ve included three new chapters in the third edition:

  • Core Bluetooth: In this chapter, you’ll learn how to transfer data between the Apple Watch using Bluetooth, how to send a control instruction to a BLE device, and effortlessly launch Maps on an external device right from the Watch!
  • Handoff Video Playback: In the first section of this chapter, you’ll learn about playing multimedia files and build a custom interface. In the second section, you’ll use Handoff to create continuity between the Apple Watch and a paired iPhone for your multimedia app.
  • Audio Recording: New in watchOS 4, Apple has greatly improved the multimedia API and there are great opportunities to create innovative apps and enhance the user experience. In this chapter, you’ll add audio recording to a memo app so that users can record and review their thoughts and experiences right from their wrists.

Record audio directly on your Apple Watch!

Record audio directly on your Apple Watch!

watchOS by Tutorials, Third Edition has been fully updated for watchOS 4, Xcode 9 and Swift 4 and will be released on October 23, 2017, as a free update to existing PDF customers.

If you don’t have the book yet, pre-order it here! During the iOS 11 Launch Party sale, you can get it at a discount for just $49.99.

10) Advanced Apple Debugging, Second Edition

There are always going to be bugs in your software — or any software, for that matter. No amount of test coverage imposed by your product manager is going to fix that. In fact, viewing debugging as simply a process of fixing something that’s broken is actually a poisonous way of thinking that will mentally hinder your analytical abilities.

Instead, you should view debugging as a process to better understand a program. It’s a subtle difference, but if you truly believe it, any previous drudgery of debugging simply disappears.

Master the secrets of LLDB debugging like a boss!

Master the secrets of LLDB debugging like a boss!

In this book, you’ll come to realize debugging is an enjoyable process to help you better understand software. Not only will you learn to find bugs faster, but you’ll also learn how other developers have solved problems similar to yours. You’ll also learn how to create custom, powerful debugging scripts that will help you quickly find answers to any item that piques your interest, whether it’s in your code — or someone else’s.

Advanced Apple Debugging, Second Edition has been fully updated for Xcode 9 and will be released on October 30, 2017, as a free update to existing PDF customers.

If you don’t have the book yet, pre-order it here! During the iOS 11 Launch Party sale, you can get it at a discount for just $49.99.

Sample Book Chapters

As part of the iOS 11 Launch Party, we’ll be sharing some free sample chapters with you from the iOS 11 books. It’s our way of saying “thanks” to you, the readers of this site — and will give you a taste of the all the great stuff contained inside the books this year!

New and Updated Courses

In addition to all of the new books, we have tons of new and updated courses coming for subscribers!

Over the next few weeks, we will be releasing the following new and updated courses for iOS 11:

  1. Your First Swift 4 and iOS 11 App
  2. Programming in Swift
  3. Your Second Swift 4 and iOS 11 App
  4. Saving Data in iOS
  5. Beginning Auto Layout
  6. Beginning Collection Views
  7. Scroll View School
  8. Beginning iOS Animations
  9. Beginning Core Data
  10. Networking with URLSession
  11. App Asset Design (NEW!)

Plus, we have a bunch of iOS 11 screencasts for advanced developers on the way, and a few other surprises up our sleeves. If you’re a subscriber, clear your calendars and get ready to learn! :]

The iOS 11 Launch Party Giveaway

Now, the part you’ve all been waiting for: how to get your hands on this year’s prizes!

We have one grand prize this year, four second prizes, and a pile of bonus prizes up for grabs:

Grand Prize

The Grand Prize for the iOS 11 Launch Party consists of the following package:

  • A complete set of all our books in PDF form — an $840 value!
  • A complete set of all our books in print form — an $840 value!
  • A one-year subscription to all of our video courses — a $179 value!

That’s over $1,800 in value for the Grand Prize!

Chris Belanger


Chris Belanger


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