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Android & Kotlin · Collection · 34 Results

Android & Kotlin Video Course Intermediate
Android & Kotlin
MVP on Android
In this course, you will learn how to build an Android app using the Model-View-Presenter presentation arc... more
Android & Kotlin
MVI on Android
In this course, you will use RxJava to build an app using the Model-View-Intent architecture, learning abo... more
Android & Kotlin
Bottom Navigation
See how to set up Android bottom navigation with Jetpack Navigation, and also see an alternative means of ... more
Android & Kotlin
Testing With MockK
Learn how and when to use the many powerful features that the MockK Kotlin testing framework provides.
Android & Kotlin
Retrofit and Coroutines
The old way of making network calls with Retrofit utilizes callbacks. In this course, learn how to greatl... more
Multiple Domains
Building with Bazel
Bazel is an open source build system created by Google for compiling large complex codebases. This courses... more
Android & Kotlin
Animation with MotionLayout
MotionLayout is a ConstraintLayout subtype that lets you easily add animation to your user interface. See ... more
Android & Kotlin
Beginning RxKotlin
In this course, you will be introduced to reactive programming in Kotlin and Android with RxKotlin. You... more
Android & Kotlin
OkHttp Interceptors in Android
Learn how to use OkHttp Interceptors to intercept network requests, log them and also modify them on the f... more
Android & Kotlin
Server-Side Kotlin with Ktor
Learn how to use the Ktor framework to build a Kotlin web app and API, and see how to deploy the app to th... more
Android & Kotlin
Dependency Injection with Koin
Learn how to get started with the Dependency Injection framework Koin and how it can make developing CLEAN... more
Android & Kotlin
Jetpack Navigation: Getting Started
In this course, learn how to use the Navigation Architecture Component provided by Android Jetpack Library... more
Android & Kotlin
Supporting Dark Theme
Android 10 introduced a system Dark theme setting, and modern apps should both support the system setting ... more
Android & Kotlin
Jetpack Compose Animations
Jetpack Compose is revolutionizing the way Android developers build Android applications, so it’s no surpr... more
Android & Kotlin
Jetpack Security
Learn how to use the AndroidX Jetpack Security library for managing security keys and encrypting file and ... more
Android & Kotlin
SQLDelight in Android: Getting Started
In this course, we will introduce you to SQLDelight, a generator for typesafe Kotlin code based on SQL dat... more
Android & Kotlin
Android DataStore
DataStore is Google’s new and improved solution for persisting simple pieces of data by using either key-v... more
Android & Kotlin
Jetpack Compose Primer
Get an early introduction to the Jetpack Compose toolkit for creating Android user interfaces in Kotlin co... more
Android & Kotlin
CameraX: Getting Started
Learn how to create a camera app with the recently announced CameraX API for Android, which allows you to ... more
Android & Kotlin
WindowInsets Handling & Keyboard Animations
Until now keyboards and Androids seemed to go in opposite directions. There was no API you could query to ... more
Android & Kotlin
Bubble Notifications in Android
Android 11 has amazing new features that allows developers provide great user experiences. In this course ... more
Android & Kotlin
Build an App Like Discord with Firebase
Learn how to create a messaging app like Discord or Slack using Firebase! Firebase is one of the most popu... more
Android & Kotlin
Deep Links in Android
In this course, learn how to use deep links to redirect users to a specific destination inside your app. A... more
Android & Kotlin
MVVM on Android
In this course, you will learn how to build an Android app using the Model-View-ViewModel presentation arc... more