Introducing the iOS 10 Feast!

It’s the iOS 10 release date, and you know what that means: time to party — and celebrate with over $30,000 in giveaways! By Chris Belanger.

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Fourth Course: Core Data by Tutorials, Third Edition


Marching right along, we’re pleased to bring you the third edition of Core Data by Tutorials!

Core Data in iOS 10 is all making Core Data easier to learn and use:

  • Say goodbye to screenfuls of code just for setting up the Core Data “stack”.
  • Say goodbye to generating and maintaining managed object subclasses. Say goodbye to having to tell Swift what type of managed object you’re dealing with.
  • Say goodbye to single readers at the persistent store level.
  • And say goodbye (a bit sadly) to iCloud support for Core Data, which has been deprecated. Well, it can’t all be good news. ;]

Core Data by Tutorials teaches you everything you need to know about Core Data, starting with the basics like setting up your own Core Data Stack and moving all the way to advanced topics like migration, performance, multithreading, and more.

This is also a free update for existing PDF customers, and will be released on Wednesday, Oct 5. We hope you enjoy! :]

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Fifth Course: 2D Apple Games by Tutorials, Second Edition


At WWDC 2016, Apple announced a lot of cool new features to both SpriteKit and Xcode, including built-in tile map support and the ability to run SpriteKit on watchOS. Yes, you read that correctly! :]

These changes were so significant that we decided it would be better to completely revamp 2D Games by Tutorials (again!) — we even included new games!

Here are the highlights of this edition:

  • Zombie Conga: Fully updated for Swift 3 and iOS 10. We’ve moved the detail about porting to tvOS to a brand-new section — “Section V: Other Platforms” — to give it a more in-depth treatment.
  • Cat Nap: Fully updated for Swift 3 and iOS 10. Again, we’ve moved the tvOS detail to Section V.
  • (New!) Pest Control: First introduced in iOS Games by Tutorials, this new and improved version uses the new tile maps features in SpriteKit and covers saving and loading game data.
  • Drop Charge: Fully updated for Swift 3 and iOS 10. We’ve taken the GameplayKit features and migrated them out of this version so we can cover them in depth in a future book.
  • (New!) Zombie Piranhas: A completely new game specifically designed to teach you how to work with other Apple platforms like macOS, tvOS and watchOS.
  • CircuitRacer: Fully updated for Swift 3 and iOS 10 and updated to reflect recent iAd changes.

Current 2D Apple Games by Tutorials PDF customers will receive this as a free update.

2D Apple Games by Tutorials will be released Monday, Oct 10 – get ready to game on! :]

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Sixth Course: 3D Apple Games by Tutorials, Second Edition


Creating amazing 3D games is easier than ever, thanks to the advent of SceneKit. The simplicity of SceneKit lets beginners create simple and stylish games in a short amount of time. Yet it’s also powerful enough to satisfy the needs of advanced developers, who want to create the next FPS killer.

We’ve updated the entire book to reflect the new features of SceneKit and brought it fully up to date with iOS 10 and Xcode 8. We’ve added a new chapter dedicated to creating 3D art:


  • 3D Art for Programmers: Learn how to create your own voxel art like Mr. Pig!

We’ve also broken out the following three chapters on converting your game from iOS to other platforms to give you more in-depth detail on the process:

  • macOS Games: Take your 3D games from the mobile screen to the desktop; learn how to port your games to macOS.
  • tvOS Games: See your 3D games on the big screen; learn how to port your games to tvOS.
  • watchOS Games: Your favorite games are as close as a flick of the wrist; learn how to port your games to watchOS.

3D Apple Games by Tutorials will be released Wednesday, Oct. 12.

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Seventh Course: iOS Animations by Tutorials, Third Edition


Next, we are happy to announce the third edition of Marin Todorov’s popular book: iOS Animations by Tutorials!

iOS Animations by Tutorials teaches you how to make delightful animations in your apps with Swift 3. You start with basic view and layer animations, move all the way through Auto Layout animations, view controller transitions, and even investigate 3D animations.

This is a free update for existing PDF customers — we’re amazed to see how popular this book has become!

iOS Animations by Tutorials Second Edition will be released Wednesday, Oct 19.

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Marin and I hope you enjoy the new chapters!

Eighth Course: iOS 10 by Tutorials


We’ve been releasing early access versions of iOS 10 by Tutorials this season, and we hope you’ve had a chance to check out the accompanying screencasts from our own Sam Davies.

We’re gearing up for the final release of iOS 10 by Tutorials, where you’ll learn about the following new features of iOS 10 and Swift 3:

  • Migrating to Swift 3: Learn how to migrate your code to Swift 3, including understanding the API naming conventions, updates to Foundation, switching toolchains, and more.
  • Message Apps: Learn how to integrate your own functionality into Apple’s messages apps, including sticker packs, collaborative messages, and more.
  • SiriKit: Learn how to integrate your apps with Siri, including making an extension, handling the conversation, and providing a custom UI.
  • UIView Property Animator: Learn about the new UIView Property Animator API, including using it for basic animations, interactive animations, and view controller transitions.
  • Speech Recognizer: Learn about the new speech recognizer that allows you to easily detect speech from within your apps.
  • Memory Debugger: Learn about Xcode 8’s powerful new memory debugger that allows you to easily detect and fix retain cycles and other memory problems.
  • Other Xcode 8 Improvements: Learn about other handy new features in Xcode 8, such as Auto Layout improvements, the new threading debugger, editor enhancements, and more.
  • User Notifications: Learn about the new user notifications API that consolidates remote and local notifications, and new features such as advanced appearance and in-app presentation.
  • Photography: Learn about some new features with photography in iOS 10, such as capturing and editing live photos, and advanced photo capture techniques.
  • And much, much more: App Transport security changes, UIControl updates, search and proactive improvements, and more.

iOS 10 by Tutorials will be released Wednesday, Oct. 26 — and don’t forget that you’ll get this book for free if you are a subscriber!

We’ve enjoyed working on the early releases, and we hope you enjoy the finished product!

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Chris Belanger


Chris Belanger


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