Building a Portal App in ARKit: Materials and Lighting

Learn how to add materials and lighting effects to your AR portal app with the final tutorial in this series taken from our book, ARKIt by Tutorials! By Namrata Bandekar.

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Adding the Doorway

There’s one thing missing in your portal: an entrance! Currently, the portal does not have a fourth wall. Instead of adding another wall, you will add just the necessary parts of a wall to leave room for a doorway.

Open PortalViewController.swift and add these constants:

let DOOR_WIDTH:CGFloat = 1.0
let DOOR_HEIGHT:CGFloat = 2.4

As their names suggest, these define the width and height of the doorway.

Add the following to PortalViewController:

func addDoorway(node: SCNNode) {
  // 1
  let halfWallLength: CGFloat = WALL_LENGTH * 0.5
  let frontHalfWallLength: CGFloat = 
                   (WALL_LENGTH - DOOR_WIDTH) * 0.5

  // 2
  let rightDoorSideNode = makeWallNode(length: frontHalfWallLength)
  rightDoorSideNode.eulerAngles = SCNVector3(0,270.0.degreesToRadians, 0)
  rightDoorSideNode.position = SCNVector3(halfWallLength - 0.5 * DOOR_WIDTH,

  // 3
  let leftDoorSideNode = makeWallNode(length: frontHalfWallLength)
  leftDoorSideNode.eulerAngles = SCNVector3(0, 270.0.degreesToRadians, 0)
  leftDoorSideNode.position = SCNVector3(-halfWallLength + 0.5 * frontHalfWallLength,

addDoorway(node:) is a method that adds a wall with an entrance to the given node.

Here’s what you’re doing:

  1. Define constants to store the half wall length and the length of the front wall on each side of the door.
  2. Create a node to represent the wall on the right side of the entrance using the constants declared in the previous step. You also adjust the rotation and location of the node so that it’s attached to the front edge of the right wall, ceiling and floor. You then add rightDoorSideNode as a child of the given node.
  3. Similar to step 2, you create a node for the left side of the doorway, and set the rotation and location of leftDoorSideNode so that it is flush with the front edge of the left wall, ceiling and floor nodes. Finally, you use addChildNode() to add it as a child node to node.

In makePortalNode(), add the following just before return portal:

addDoorway(node: portal)

Here you add the doorway to the portal node.

Build and run the app. You’ll see the doorway on the portal, but the top of the door is currently touching the ceiling. You’ll need to add another piece of the wall to make the doorway span the pre-defined DOOR_HEIGHT.

Add the following at the end of addDoorway(node:):

// 1
let aboveDoorNode = makeWallNode(length: DOOR_WIDTH,
                                 height: WALL_HEIGHT - DOOR_HEIGHT)
// 2                                 
aboveDoorNode.eulerAngles = SCNVector3(0, 270.0.degreesToRadians, 0)
// 3
aboveDoorNode.position =
  1. Create a wall node with the respective dimensions to fit above the entrance of the portal.
  2. Adjust the rotation of aboveDoorNode so that it’s at the front of the portal. The masked side is placed on the outside.
  3. Set the position of the node so that it’s placed on top of the doorway that you just built. Add it as a child node of node.

Build and run. This time you’ll notice the doorway is now complete with a proper wall.

Placing Lights

That portal doesn’t look too inviting. In fact, it’s rather dark and gloomy. You can add a light source to brighten it up!

Add the following method to PortalViewController:

func placeLightSource(rootNode: SCNNode) {
  // 1
  let light = SCNLight()
  light.intensity = 10
  // 2
  light.type = .omni
  // 3
  let lightNode = SCNNode()
  lightNode.light = light
  // 4
  lightNode.position = SCNVector3(0,

Here’s how it works:

  1. Create an SCNLight object and set its intensity. Since you’re using the physicallyBased lighting model, this value is the luminous flux of the light source. The default value is 1000 lumens, but you want an intensity which is much lower, giving it a slightly darker look.
  2. A light’s type determines the shape and direction of illumination provided by the light, as well as the set of attributes available for modifying the light’s behavior. Here, you set the type of the light to omnidirectional, also known as a point light. An omnidirectional light has constant intensity and a direction. The light’s position relative to other objects in your scene determines its direction.
  3. You create a node to hold the light and attach the light object to the node using its light property.
  4. Place the light at the center of the ceiling using the Y and Z offsets and then add lightNode as a child of the rootNode.

In makePortal(), add the following just before return portal.

placeLightSource(rootNode: portal)

This places the light source inside the portal.

Build and run the app, and you’ll see a brighter, more inviting doorway to your virtual world!

Where to Go From Here?

The portal is complete! You have learned a lot through creating this sci-fi portal. Let’s take a quick look at all the things you covered in this tutorial series.

  • You have a basic understanding of SceneKit’s coordinate system and materials.
  • You learned how to create SCNNode objects with different geometries and attach textures to them.
  • You also placed light sources in your scene so that the portal looked more realistic.

Going forward, there are many changes you can make to the portal project. You can:

  • Make a door that opens or shuts when the user taps on the screen.
  • Explore various geometries to create a room that spans infinitely.
  • Experiment with different shapes for the doorway.

But don’t stop here. Let your sci-fi imagination run wild!

If you enjoyed what you learned in this tutorial, why not check out our complete book, ARKit by Tutorials, available on our online store?

ARKit is Apple’s mobile AR development framework. With it, you can create an immersive, engaging experience, mixing virtual 2D and 3D content with the live camera feed of the world around you.

If you’ve worked with any of Apple’s other frameworks, you’re probably expecting that it will take a long time to get things working. But with ARKit, it only takes a few lines of code — ARKit does most of the the heavy lifting for you, so you can focus on what’s important: creating an immersive and engaging AR experience.

In this book, you’ll create five immersive and engaging apps: a tabletop poker dice game, an immersive sci-fi portal, a 3D face-tracking mask app, a location-based AR ad network, and monster truck simulation with realistic vehicle physics.

And, as part of AR/VR Week, it’s currently on sale. But don’t wait too long, as this deal is only good until Friday, March 29th!

If you have any questions or comments on this tutorial, feel free to join the discussion below!