Background Modes Tutorial: Getting Started

In this tutorial, you’ll create an app that uses audio playback, location updates, critical tasks, and background fetch to learn about the most common background modes. By Chuck Krutsinger .

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Where to Go From Here?

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For long-running background tasks that need many minutes to complete, learn more about background processing tasks. Background processing tasks are similar to background fetch but intended for more rigorous tasks such as data processing and maintenance.

There are also two excellent WWDC presentations related to background modes:

  1. Advances in App Background Execution: Discusses recent improvements to background processing options.
  2. Background Execution Demystified: Will help you get a deeper understanding of the different background modes.

Finally, you can read about all of the background execution modes at Configuring Background Execution Modes.

We hope you enjoyed this tutorial on background modes. If you have any questions or comments, please join the forum discussion below!