Open Call for Book Authors: Vapor, Kotlin, Unity VR, and More

We are currently recruiting lead authors for books on Vapor, Kotlin, Unity VR, and more. Find out why you should write a book with us, and how to apply! By Ray Wenderlich.

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How To Apply

Writing a book can be a lot of work, but nothing beats the feeling of holding that first copy of the book in your hands — with your name on the front cover!

We’d love for you to be part of our ever-expanding book family here at

Ready to get started? Just send an email to with the answers to the following questions:

  • Which book would you like to be the lead author for?
  • Why do you want to work on this book?
  • What experience do you have working on the technology behind this book? Please link to any relevant apps or projects.
  • Can you commit to working full-time for phase 1 (make video course materials)? Please explain how you will make time for this.
  • How much time can you commit per week to working on phase 3 (writing phase)? Please explain how you will make time for this.
  • Are you the type of person who can avoid procrastination and reliably meet deadlines? If so, what specific techniques do you use to stay on track?
  • Have you read any books, or watched any courses? If so, which ones?

We’re excited at the prospect of making the next great book with you!