Advanced Collection Views in OS X Tutorial

Become an OS X collection view boss! In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to implement drag and drop with collection views, fine-tune selection and highlighting, implement sticky section headers, and more. By Gabriel Miro.

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Where To Go From Here

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In this Advanced Collection Views in OS X Tutorial you covered a lot of ground! You took the collection view from a rudimentary app to one that features the kinds of bells and whistles any Mac user would expect.

After all your hard work, you're able to add and remove items, reorder them, and troubleshoot and correct highlighting/selection issues. You took it to the next level by adding in animations and implemented sticky headers to give SlidesPro a very polished look.

Most impressively, you now know how to build a functional, elegant collection view in OS X. Considering that the documentation for these is fairly limited, it's a great skill to have.

Some of the topics that were not covered neither here nor in the basic tutorial are:

  • Creating custom layouts by subclassing directly NSCollectionViewLayout
  • “Data Source-less” collection views using Cocoa Bindings

One of the top resources recommended at the end of the basic tutorial is this excellent video tutorial series Custom Collection View Layout from Mic Pringle. Although it's an iOS series, you can find lots of useful information that's relevant to collection views in OS X as well.

I hope you found this tutorial most helpful! Let's talk about it in the forums. I look forward to your questions, comments and discoveries!

Gabriel Miro


Gabriel Miro


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