Beginning Passbook in iOS 6: Part 2/2

Note from Ray: This is the second iOS 6 tutorial in the iOS 6 Feast! This tutorial is an abbreviated version of one of the chapters from our new book iOS 6 By Tutorials. Marin Todorov wrote this chapter – the same guy who wrote most of the “bonus” chapters in iOS 5 by Tutorials. […] By Marin Todorov.

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Where to go from now?

You covered a lot of the basics of pass creation. You know how to put together a pass, what types of passes there can be, how to manage the pass assets, and much more!

There’s lot more you can learn about pass services if you dig into iOS 6 by Tutorials. What you will learn in the chapters covering Passbook is:

  • Automated pass distribution via email or web
  • Location and time aware passes
  • Updating passes
  • Sending notifications to pass owners
  • And tons more…

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and it’s a rich and useful resource for you. If you have any questions or comments, please join the forum discussion below!

This is a blog post by iOS Tutorial Team member Marin Todorov, a software developer with 12+ years of experience, an independant iOS developer and the creator of Touch Code Magazine. You can also find me on


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