Introducing the iOS 6 Feast!

Today is a day to celebrate – the iOS 6 NDA has been lifted, so we can finally talk about the iOS 6 SDK! The iOS Tutorial Team and I believe that iOS 6 is one of the most exciting releases yet. There are some amazing new technologies that every developer should know about – […] By Ray Wenderlich.

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Bonus Prizes!

We want to give you more than one chance to win though. So in addition to the grand prize winners, we’ll be giving out a bunch of bonus prizes to random retweeters!

And since we’re all developers we’ll base it on powers of 2:

  • 2 people will win a single item of their choice from the above list (except for the new items added since launch, or cash for the iPhone 5, that’s for the grand prize only)!
  • 4 people will win a copy of AppViz 2 – the best tool for monitoring your iOS and Mac App Store sales.
  • 8 people will win a t-shirt, magnet, and geeky bumper sticker!
  • 16 people will win 50,000 free ad impressions from Tap for Tap – the premiere mobile ad exchange network.

That’s a lot of winners – the true math experts among you know exactly how many ;]

To be eligible for this epic giveaway, all you have to do is send one or more tweets during the iOS 6 Feast with the #ios6feast hashtag.

You can reweet posts with this hashtag (including this one!) or just send general comments. It’s OK to submit as many tweets as you like (as long as you aren’t spamming of course!) We will choose random winners from all of the tweets marked with the #ios6feast hashtag, and they’ll get all the epic loot!

Want to make your first entry? Just tweet this post with the #ios6feast hashtag by clicking the button below!


The random drawing will be in a month, when the iOS 6 Feast is complete. So make your entries early and often! :]

Note: To be eligible to win physical products, you must be based in either Europe or the US. If you’re in another country and win, don’t worry – we’ll do our best to provide you with non-physical alternatives instead :]

Note: To be eligible to win physical products, you must be based in either Europe or the US. If you’re in another country and win, don’t worry – we’ll do our best to provide you with non-physical alternatives instead :]

Where To Go From Here?

Once again, there’s been a lot of exciting news and announcements in the iOS 6 Feast! It’s like Christmas for iOS devs – or Thanksgiving I mean ;]

To sum it all up, here’s what you need to know:

  • Want an iOS 6 Tutorial Right Now? Retweet this post – if it reaches 100 tweets we’ll post the first tutorial right away!
  • Want to get quickly up-to-speed with the new iOS 6 APIs? Check out our new book iOS 6 By Tutorials!
  • Don’t have iOS 5 By Tutorials Yet? Save money with the iOS 5 and iOS 6 By Tutorials Bundle!
  • An iOS Apprentice Customer? Download the latest version of the iOS Apprentice, fully updated for iOS 6!
  • Want tons of free tutorials? Come back here every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the next month for a new post on iOS 6!
  • Want to get mad loot? Send one or more tweets during the next month with the #ios6feast hashtag!

The iOS Tutorial Team and I hope you enjoy this feast, and that you’re fat and happy by the end!

Stay tuned for a bunch of great iOS 6 tutorials, and if you have any questions or comments about the iOS 6 Feast, please join the forum discussion below!


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