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iOS & Swift · 113 Results

iOS & Swift Book Screencast Advanced
iOS & Swift
iOS 10: Dynamic Sticker Packs in iMessage Apps
Learn how you can build your own custom sticker pack app for Messages, enabling you to fully control the b... more
iOS & Swift
Coordinator Design Pattern: Simplifying View Controllers
The Coordinator Pattern allows you to construct your view controllers so they can focus purely on controll... more
iOS & Swift
Combine: Intro to Combine
Combine introduces a native way to manage asynchronous events in Swift, which means you don't have to ... more
iOS & Swift
Coordinator Design Pattern: Overview
The Coordinator is a great pattern to help enforce Single Responsibility in classes, allowing them to focu... more
iOS & Swift
WWDC 2020: Combine & SwiftUI
Combine Publishers have a new assign method that works with Published properties, and can also be integrat... more
iOS & Swift
Reachability in iOS
In this screencast, learn how you can handle and detect Internet connection issues using reachability.
iOS & Swift
Coordinator Design Pattern: Dealing with Transitions
This screencasts covers a few ways to deal with view transitions when using the Coordinator Pattern.
Multiple Domains
What's New in Swift 4.2 - Dynamic Member Lookup
Swift 4.2 added a new easy to use dynamic member lookup attribute to give your classes dot syntax access f... more
iOS & Swift
Coordinator Design Pattern: Memory Management
This screencast covers some concepts to manage memory usage when using the Coordinator Pattern.
Multiple Domains
Multiplatform Settings
In this screencast, see how to use the Multiplatform Settings library to save user preferences in the shar... more
iOS & Swift
Custom Segues: Basics
In iOS 9, custom transitions got a nice upgrade with custom segues that let you separate your transition a... more
iOS & Swift
UIKit Dynamics - Replacing Animations
Behaviors in UIKit Dynamics can be used to replace UIView animations, giving you finer and more realistic ... more
iOS & Swift
WWDC 2020: SwiftUI Views
What's new in SwiftUI Views this year? Check out my top picks for WWDC SwiftUI Sessions and get a whir... more
iOS & Swift
Combine: Publishers
Combine includes a series of built in publishers throughout the iOS frameworks that generate data to which... more
iOS & Swift
A coordinator design pattern, which makes heavy use of delegates and protocols, allows you to let your UIV... more
iOS & Swift
Password Autofill in iOS 12: Strong Passwords and Passcode Autofill
iOS 12 improvements to Password Autofill include strong password generation right on your account creation... more
iOS & Swift
Background Modes - Background Fetch
You can use fetch data in the background with a background mode, allowing your app to show the latest info... more
iOS & Swift
Custom Segues: Custom Transitions
It's easy to make your own custom segue transition with the help of some protocols, as well as the new... more
iOS & Swift
UIKit Dynamics - Basics
In iOS 9, UIKit Dynamics gained some new behaviors, including gravity fields, non-rectangular collision bo... more
iOS & Swift
UIKit Dynamics - Compound Behaviors
Behaviors in UIKit Dynamics can be combined to make compound behaviors, making your behaviors more complex... more
iOS & Swift
WWDC 2020: SwiftUI Protocols & Property Wrappers
WWDC 2020 brought some great new features for SwiftUI, including the App and Scene protocols, and AppStora... more
iOS & Swift
Combine: Subscribers
Combine includes a series of built in subscribers throughout the iOS frameworks that can get data from pub... more
iOS & Swift
Combine: Operators and Pipelines
Combine has a wide array of operators that can subscribe to a publisher, modify the data, and republish it... more
iOS & Swift
WWDC 2020: Widgets
Learn a bit about WidgetKit, some suggestions for how to get started, and a tip about building your own pl... more