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All Tutorials · 46 Results

Android & Kotlin
Object-Oriented Programming Best Practices with Kotlin
Learn how to write better code following Object Oriented Programming Best Practices with Kotlin and SOLID pri... more
Flutter & Dart
The Top 5 Flutter State Management Solutions: A Deep Dive
State management is a critical part of any user-facing application’s architecture. It ensures the app’s data ... more
Android & Kotlin
Lifecycle-Aware Components in Android
Learn about lifecycle-aware components including what they are, how they work & how to create your own... more
Android & Kotlin
MVVM on Android
In this course, you will learn how to build an Android app using the Model-View-ViewModel presentation arc... more
Android & Kotlin
Mobius Tutorial for Android: Getting Started
Learn about Mobius, a functional reactive framework for managing state evolution and side effects and see how... more
Flutter & Dart
Getting Started With the BLoC Pattern
See how to use the popular BLoC pattern to build your Flutter app architecture and manage the flow of data th... more
iOS & Swift
Getting Started With the VIP Clean Architecture Pattern
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to utilize the VIP clean architecture pattern to develop apps for Apple pl... more
Android & Kotlin
Advanced Data Binding in Android: Binding Adapters
In this advanced data binding tutorial, you’ll learn how you can interact directly with the components in you... more
iOS & Swift
Beginning Firebase for iOS
Firebase is a mobile-backend-as-a-service that provides several features for building powerful mobile apps... more
Android & Kotlin
Jetpack Navigation: Getting Started
In this course, learn how to use the Navigation Architecture Component provided by Android Jetpack Library... more
Multiple Domains
Flutter Code Generation: Getting Started
Learn how to use code generation to automatically create Dart models, eliminating tedious and repetitive tasks.
Android & Kotlin
Lifecycle-Aware Components Using Android Jetpack
Learn about lifecycle-aware components including what they are, how they work, how to implement your own comp... more
iOS & Swift
Resolver for iOS Dependency Injection: Getting Started
Learn how to use Resolver to implement dependency injection in your SwiftUI iOS apps to achieve easily readab... more
iOS & Swift
Getting a Redux Vibe Into SwiftUI
Learn how to implement Redux concepts to manage the state of your SwiftUI app in a more predictable way by im... more
iOS & Swift
SOLID Principles for iOS Apps
SOLID is a group of principles that lead you to write clear and organized code without additional effort. Lea... more
iOS & Swift
How To Make An App Like Instagram in iOS
Have you ever wanted to build an app like Instagram, from architecture to coding to the back-end server, b... more
Android & Kotlin
Testing Android Architecture Components
Learn how to test the Architecture Components library included in the Android Jetpack suite released in 2017 ... more
Android & Kotlin
Room Database: Getting Started
iOS & Swift
SOLID in Real-World iOS Apps
Get an overview of the SOLID code craft guidelines, how they apply to Swift code, and how you can refactor... more
iOS & Swift
WWDC 2020: Combine & SwiftUI
Combine Publishers have a new assign method that works with Published properties, and can also be integrat... more
Android & Kotlin
Dependency Injection with Hilt: Fundamentals
In this dependency injection course, learn how to apply an awesome new library called Hilt, to build depen... more
Android & Kotlin
Navigation Component for Android Part 3: Transition and Navigation
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use shared element transitions, action bar and bottom navigation to mak... more
Android & Kotlin
MvRx Android on Autopilot: Getting Started
In this MvRx Android tutorial, you’ll learn how to use this pattern to render the screens of your app based o... more
iOS & Swift
Getting Started with the VIPER Architecture Pattern
In this tutorial, you’ll learn about using the VIPER architecture pattern with SwiftUI and Combine, while bui... more