Beginning RecyclerView

You will learn how to create a basic RecyclerView, then learn how to add ItemDecorations, animations, multiple view types, drag and drop, and swipe-to-delete. By Joe Howard.

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Part 1: RecyclerView Basics

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Find out what's covered in our RecyclerView video tutorial series, from basic setup to animations and common interactions.

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Download the starter app and build it in Android Studio, and take a peek at the included starter layout files.

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See how to setup a basic RecyclerView, along with the corresponding LayoutManager, Adapter, and ViewHolder.

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Learn how to connect the model data displayed in the RecyclerView to the corresponding objects in the view layer.

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Practice what you've learned so far to add more data into the rows of the RecyclerView, and then see a solution.

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See how to respond to clicks on the rows of the RecyclerView, and take the user to a detail screen for the corresponding row item.

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Take all the basics of RecyclerView that you've learned so far to build a Favorites screen for the sample app.

Conclusion 1:07
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Let's review what you've covered in this first part on RecyclerView basics, and discuss what's next.

Part 2: Layout Managers

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Let's take a quick look at the layout managers that you'll learn about in this part, and describe the capabilities of each.

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Learn more detail about LinearLayoutManager by creating a horizontal RecyclerView on the detail screen.

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Create a nested RecyclerView, learn about LinearSnapHelper, and improve performance with a RecycledViewPool.

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See how to create a grid of items with RecyclerView using GridLayoutManager, replacing the need for GridView.

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See how to use varying span sizes within a RecyclerView managed by GridLayoutManager using a span size lookup.

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Practice setting custom span sizes on a RecyclerView managed by GridLayoutManager, then see a solution.

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Learn how to handle the case of grid items having different natural sizes using StaggeredGridLayoutManager.

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Add a menu to allow switching between span sizes for a RecyclerView managed by a StaggeredGridLayoutManager.

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Practice what you've learned about layout manager to create a grid of items on the detail screen, then see a solution.

Conclusion 1:07
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Let's review what you learned about the various RecyclerView layout managers, and discuss what's next.

Part 3: Decorating and Animating

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Learn about the objectives of this part, which are to become familiar with the capabilities of ItemDecoration and to see how to animate items in a RecyclerView.

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See how to use ItemDecoration with a RecyclerView to control the spacing around the items utilizing offsets.

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See how to use ItemDecoration with a RecyclerView to create separators between the elements in a list.

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Practice using ItemDecoration with a RecyclerView to create separators between the items in a grid, then see a solution.

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Discover how to use animations to add dynamic effects to the presentation of the items in a RecyclerView.

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Practice using animations to add dynamic effects to the presentation of the items in a RecyclerView.

Conclusion 0:44
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Let's review what you learned about using ItemDecoration and animations with a RecyclerView, and discuss what's next.

Part 4: Section Headers and View Types

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Learn about the objectives of this part, which are to become familiar with using different view types in a RecyclerView.

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See how to sort the items displayed in a RecyclerView into groups and then add section headers to the groups.

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Use view types to customize the display of items displayed in a RecyclerView, based on the type of the item.

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Practice using view types to customize the display of certain items in a RecyclerView, then see a solution.

Conclusion 0:41
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Let's review what you learned about using view types for items displayed in a RecyclerView, and discuss what's next.

Part 5: Common Interactions

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Learn about the objectives of this part, which are to become familiar with common interactions with a RecyclerView, such as drag and drop and swipe-to-delete.

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Discover the capabilities and use cases for combining the ItemTouchHelper class with a RecyclerView.

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See how to use ItemTouchHelper to create a basic capability to rearrange the items in a RecyclerView.

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See how to setup drag handles and item selection highlighting using ItemTouchHelper with a RecyclerView.

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Practice using ItemTouchHelper to allow for drag and drop rearrangement of the items displayed in a grid via a RecyclerView

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See how to use ItemTouchHelper to add a basic swipe-to-delete capability for the items in a RecyclerView.

Conclusion 2:30
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In this final episode, we'll summarize the course, and then see an overview of RecyclerView topics that were not covered.