Intermediate Realm on iOS

Learn how to empower real life projects by leveraging a number of great Realm features. Topics include: bundled, multiple, and encrypted Realm files, and schema migrations for app updates. By Marin Todorov.

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Find out what's covered in our Intermediate Realm on iOS video tutorial series.

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In this Realm video tutorial, you'll learn how to include a file pre-populated with data in your app.

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Learn how to use more than one Realm file in your app and define explicit object schemas.

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Learn how to use encrypted Realm files to safely store sensitive data.

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Learn how to design basic schema migrations with Realm.

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In this Realm video tutorial, you'll learn how to evolve your schema migration as you release new app versions.

Conclusion 2:08
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Review what you learned in our Intermediate Realm on iOS video tutorial series.