Visual Feedback: Dialogs, Snackbars & Toasts

Mar 16 2021 · Kotlin 1.4, Android 11, Android Studio 4

Part 1: Visual Feedback: Dialogs, Snackbars & Toasts

03. Use Simple & Confirmation Dialogs

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Now, you’re going to display a Simple Dialog showing the three fruit options when the user taps Add fruit. This dialog allows selecting one item. In the project, open MainActivity.kt and find a click listener for the button with ID button_add.

   .setItems(fruitItems) { dialog, selectedFruitItem ->
     updateFruitQuantity(selectedFruitItem, true)

Confirmation Dialog $[==]

The Simple Dialog works well for quickly adding a single item, but if you want to allow users to add more than one type of fruit at a time, a Confirmation Dialog is a better fit. The Confirmation Dialog can be configured to allow multiple item selection. It also requires the user to confirm their selection before performing the action.

val checkedItems = booleanArrayOf(false, false, false)
.setItems(fruitItems) { dialog, selectedFruitItem ->
     updateFruitQuantity(selectedFruitItem, true)
.setNeutralButton(resources.getString(R.string.dialog_cancel)) { dialog, _ ->
    { dialog, _ ->
      checkedItems.forEachIndexed { fruitItem, isChecked ->
        if (isChecked) updateFruitQuantity(fruitItem, true)
.setMultiChoiceItems(fruitItems, checkedItems) { _, position, checked ->
      checkedItems[position] = checked